Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Day

Today I got to lead part of a science lesson on erosion - it went really well! Everyone got into small groups, and Mrs. C and I handed out big color photos like this one to each group. The group had to compile a list of hypotheses of how the land features in the picture came to be - what caused them. The pictures were all really cool, and the kids had fun discussing them and sharing their ideas.

After each group had a chance with the pictures, we came back together as a big group and I led everyone in a discussion about the pictures. There were some great ideas - and some silly ones too - but overall I felt like it was really good. The kids were so surprised to see what ice and water and wind can do to the land. I was happy that they were so engaged and interested in what we were talking about - and I did my best to relate it back to things that are familiar to them. They may not have ever been to Glacier National Park and see the rock formations there, but they have seen that water freezing causes cracks in cement - we talked about how sidewalks and steps get worn away by freezing and how people drain pools and fountains in the winter to keep them from cracking.

Tomorrow is our field trip to The Franklin. :) We'll see how that goes. My group is Dem, Eth, Bra, and Ken... two boys, two girls. Dem and Eth are our two most off-task boys in the class, but they're also two of my favorites. And Bra and Ken are good friends and usually quiet and well behaved. Dem's dad is my co-leader, and I'm glad he's coming. Dem is just crazy about his dad, he talks about him all the time, and I know he'll be really happy having him along.

We're going especially to see the pirate exhibit... yarrrrrrr.

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