Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Field Trips Are Not Fun.

I remember thinking field trips were awesome when I was in elementary school. Guess what? They are not. They are horrible, traumatic, nerve-wracking experiences where you take 21 little kids out into the world and expect them to all stay together and be nice to each other and learn new things and have a good time.

I cannot even write about how awful today was. I mentioned last night that I had Dem and Eth in my group - Eth got lost. Of course. He is in la-la-land in class most of the time anyways... always in his own little world and very easily distracted. He turned a corner and wandered out of the exhibit - ("Do not leave the Pirate exhibit!!!" we told them at least 12 times) and ended up several exhibits further down the hall, where he was found 45 minutes later. After we'd alerted all museum security and done a full building lockdown. (And after I'd nearly had a heart attack)

When you are in charge of someone elses child who disappears in front of your eyes, a half hour is eternity. It was my fault, I should have been watching him more closely, but I seriously turned around for a minute to help Bra and Ken and when I looked back he was gone.

There were some good parts, and I'll write about those later, but right now I just can't even begin to talk about it.


ms. mindless said...

i had a couple space cadets last year and i told their parents that the kid could not go on a trip unless they came or sent another specific chaperon for the kid. they were pissed about it at first, but in the end understood that it was for their kid's safety. and, miraculously, those kids got more focused once mom was being inconvenienced with coming on all those trips!

ee said...

omg #1: you lost a child

omg #2: katie is now ranked above you in my list of "people to babysit my future children" ...just kidding ;)

omg #3: who named their kid BRA??!!