Thursday, October 16, 2008

Education Rheeform

Loved the shout outs to Michelle Rhee and DC Public Schools in last nights debate - from both sides of the aisle.

Some of my favorite quotes about urban education through the lens of DC:

McCain: We need to reform these programs. We need to have transparency. We need to have rewards. It's a system that cries out for accountability and transparency and the adequate funding...

Now, throwing money at the problem is not the answer. You will find that some of the worst school systems in America get the most money per student. So I believe that we need to reward these good teachers.

Obama: I think it's going to be critically important for us to recruit a generation of new teachers, an army of new teachers... give them higher pay, give them more professional development and support in exchange for higher standards and accountability...

The D.C. school system is in terrible shape, and it has been for a very long time. And we've got a wonderful new superintendent there who's working very hard with the young mayor there to try...

I love it.

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