Sunday, October 12, 2008

More Field Trip...

Losing Eth was really horrible… but then, to top it off, when we got back to class, Ra and Mik were sitting next to each other and Ra asked Mik to use his hand sanitizer and he said no, just a minute after I’d used some. The following conversation ensued…

Ra: Why won’t you let me use your hand sanitizer? You let Ms. G use it!
Mik: She’s the teacher.
Ra: She’s a BAD teacher.
Ms. G (me): Really? Ra you think I’m a bad teacher?
Ra: No, I guess you’re not a bad teacher, you’re just really boring when you talk.

I didn’t know what to say to that. I said, “I’m sorry you feel that way” but after such a challenging time on the field trip, it was really not what I needed to hear. Boring?!?! The last thing I want to be is boring!!! I don’t care if kids think I’m mean or tough or strict, but BORING!?! That’s the worst. There is nothing worse than a boring teacher. I really hope I am not one, but we talk a lot in class about listening to children – and perhaps I do need to spice it up a bit. I really don’t think I’m boring, I feel like I put on a total dog and pony show every time I am in front of them for anything - I try to put so much effort and excitement into my lessons! But if she really thinks that I'm boring, that’s a problem. Then again, knowing Ra, she does sometimes just say things to push people’s buttons.

There were some good parts of the day too, it wasn’t all bad. Els and Bra got in a fight, or rather, a misunderstanding, and I brought both of them over to the side together and asked for both sides of the story and they talked it out and apologized and shook hands. (Els had been frustrated that no one was listening to her when she was trying to talk, so she stamped on Bra's foot and walked away. We talked about better ways she could have dealt with her frustration and she apologized.) I felt like I did a good job mediating their little conflict. I also got to talk to Mik, who I’m doing my Child Study on, and I felt like I got to know him better after spending time with him outside of the classroom.

I am trying to find the good with the bad!

1 comment:

ms. mindless said...

don't get so down about it! a lot of what children will say to you is complete bs. i ave had kids in the same 15 minute time span tell me that i am the worst teacher on earth and then tell me that they wish i was their mom.

if you truly think your instruction might be boring, there are lots of things you can do. but, i bet you are NOT boring. that mini was just messing with you!