Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Young Teachers Go Wild!

I couldn't help but post this article from the Washington Post yesterday. After reading it, I immediately went on facebook and readjusted all my privacy settings. (I know, I know, the title makes it sound like its going to be nsfw, I assure you it's entirely G rated.)

"When Young Teachers Go Wild on the Web"

I can't imagine how exciting it would have been in high school be browsing the internet and find my teacher's profile on something like myspace or facebook (or her blog, for that matter... hmmm). I'd immediately show it to all my friends, and then probably print out the best parts and pass those around class. Another reason to teach elementary school rather than high school.

Although only my facebook "friends" can see my profile and pictures, I think its time to take down some of those homecoming weekend pictures from college...

1 comment:

Erin Ann said...

Hey Gaelan!

I'm really enjoying getting caught up on your life and all the cool things you're doing-- so exciting! Good for you all around!

When I was in high school, someone discovered our douchiest teacher on Yahoo! Personals. Keep in mind, this was 2002, so meeting people on the internet was still considered something only sex perverts needed to do. Mr. N had created a fairly typical dating profile listing all the things he was (is?) awesome at, but-- here's the great part-- posted "casual" pictures of himself. In high school. In a Speedo. I don't care if you were the county swim champ, you should have some sense! The banana hammock was the highlight of senior year.

I hope reading and responding to your posts doesn't make me a stalker. I'm really enjoying them!
